Big Show, Big Community
Saturday, July 13th, 2024
STILT BENCH circa 4:00pm—Merciful clouds and a faint breeze have blessed today’s Big Show with their presence, bringing the temperature back into double-digit territory. Grown-ups swarm the campus with their slow strides, phones outstretched. Sun hats, cargo shorts and floral dresses dominate the fashion landscape. Clapping emanates from the various simultaneous performance areas. A large peace sign drawn in flour adorns the ground of the Stilt Field, where the parade recently culminated to begin the show. A conch blows, calling everyone together for the main stage performances.
“Let’s make some noise for Juggling,” chime co-emcees Riley Soloner and Mayahuel Montoya. The lightly distorted riffs of the Beatle’s rendition of ‘Roll Over Beethoven’ come locomoting into the muggy air as children fill the stage.

Having acclimated to our microcosm of Camp dwellers, the presence of 200 extra adults is somewhat unsettling, though the prospect of the children leaving is commensurate solace. Earlier I took the opportunity of this heterogenous gathering to interview a sampling of parents, alumni, and current campers.
“The campers acknowledging Wavy, that’s cute,” said alumnus Cedar Love. “I love the new director Ginger, she’s super great. The acoustics of this song writing act are really good. Shoutout to my cousin, Johnny Ali!”
“Seeing the Big Show exciting but kinda weird because I wasn’t around to see it get put together like usual,” admitted alumnus Gina-Raye. “The stilt dance was nice. It was epic when Zoe did the splits. I miss Mara. Shoutout to Djuna!”

“As I walked over the bridge I heard cheering,” said parent Leah. “It was like walking into a bubble; I knew everything was going to be okay because of the sound of happy voices. The stage seems smaller but I guess my kids is just bigger. Watching my kid become a teen staffer, I’m so proud, and so confident that Camp will hold her. There’s no better place.”
“I’m getting ready for Calvin and Hobbes, and I’m playing Hobbes!” said Xing Ling, 13, of the Purple Tipi. “I’m hoping to make some people laugh. So far the show is really entertaining; everyone’s doing a great job. Great year, great tipi.”

“The dragon was a nice touch to the parade,” said one-time Juggling Instructor Flopsy Auer. “I’m really looking forward to the juggling and unicycle acts. I don’t know, I guess I’m just sort of an adrenaline junkie! I will say that the Big Show is a lot less tiring when you’re just part of the audience.”

“I’m pretty nervous; I’m not good with big crowds,” confided Cyrus, 11, of the Flame Tipi. “I’m confident in my unicycling, I just get stage fright. But this is a good place to practice because everyone is really kind and sweet.”

“It’s nice to be a viewer with no stress; it’s a different perspective,” said alumnus Byron. “Camp helped me get out of my comfort zone by putting me on stage and I think that was a character-building moment.”
“It’s surreal being back where I made the best memories of my life,” said alumnus Nevaeh. “Walking to the lake with my friends, singing songs—by the way, I had ‘Smallest Camp’ stuck in my head yesterday but I couldn’t remember the words. Can you send me the lyrics?”

Thanks everyone for reading along this session! Have a safe journey home and as always…
Stay hydrated,
—J. Payseno, Editor