Summer Begins!
Monday, June 24th, 2024
Welcome to the Camp Winnarainbow Blog! Check in here for daily updates on all our summer camp shenanigans, from what songs we’re singing to what we had for breakfast. Also keep your eye out for a link to our Session A photo album which will be sent out in the next day or so.

RAINBOW STAGE circa 9:00pm—A lovely blanket of periwinkle coolness has enveloped the Black Oak Ranch as children and staff begin to gather in the artificial light of the Rainbow Stage like so many moths. The excitement of arrival has been multiplied by a delicious pizza dinner. Children chat and giggle in wild disarray as staff attempt to get everyone seated and settled in the outdoor venue. The bustle of Registration Day has given way to the bustle of our pedestrian circus life, and now begins the first act of the whole summer: Session ‘A’ Tipi Skit Night.
For the uninitiated, campers at Camp Winnarainbow shelter in beautiful tipi structures. Each of these tipis is named after a different color of the rainbow.
The event has begun with Clowning Instructor Riley Soloner explaining some key facets of audience etiquette to the campers. Over the next 80 minutes or so, each tipi group of campers will take the stage to perform an impromptu skit. It’s a festive way for everyone to be introduced to each other and to the magic of the stage. I’m taking the opportunity to gather day-one quotations from various counselors around the audience periphery.
“I’m enjoying the tipi signs,” reported Camper Advocate Lexi Takaki. “They’re very large and innovative.”
Every session counselors paint cardboard signs to distinguish the tipis from one another.
“I was working the registration table up by the kitchen today and it’s helpful for campers when I send them to downtown Camp to be able to find their tipi,” continued Takaki. “Counselors like to put their own twist on the tipi names. Take U.V. Tipi, short for Ultra Violet; the counselors decided to call it ‘S.U.V. Tipi’. Very clever.”
As we chat the crowd has erupted into a spontaneous birthday song for one of the staff members. Soloner from his emcee’s perch is playing along on his kazoo. I slip away from the stage area which has become too raucous for any sensible semblance of journalism.
Crossing the Tipi Circle I encounter two fire builders in search of small twigs, Shakon and Vashaun. Their chosen implements for completing this task are a large yellow wheel barrow and two light-up juggling clubs. I ask if they have any informative take-aways from the first six hours of our Winnarainbow summer.
“When life gives you oranges,” begins Shakon.
“Make lemonade!” interjects Vashaun.
Satisfied with their assessment of the situation, I continue on.
Stay hydrated,
—J. Payseno, Editor
PS: For our opening circle we sang “If I Had a Hammer” by Pete Seeger and “Blackbird” by the Beatles.